HR AWARD Round Table

14. 6. 2018 -

On Wednesday 13 June 2018, the “Round Table” with Vice-Rector Janová took place with the topic The Strategy of Human Resources Management at MENDELU.

Mendel University endeavours to receive the HR Award Certificate, i.e. an award that evaluates the human resources management.

HR AWARD focuses on the human factor of the whole institution, as - according to Rector Danuše Nerudová - the human factor is the main wealth of the University.

In November 2017, the University subscribed to the principles enshrined in the European Charter and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.
The institution has one year to elaborate an internal analysis that will compare current practice with the prescribed rules.

The next step will be to draw up an action plan that will show necessary steps to achieve the basic principles.

Part of human resources management will be the development of the personal development plans.

Project title: Development of capacity for research and development at Mendel University in Brno
Project number: CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16_028/0006175