The Obligation to Submit a Negative PCR Test to the Employer and the Obligation to Prevent Entry into the Workplace

28. 7. 2020 -

Based on the Protection Measure of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic of July 17th, 2020 and the Communication of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic of July 24th, 2020 we would like to inform you about the fact that with the effectivenes from July 27th, 2020 employees from Bulgaria, Luxembourg, Portugal, Romania, Sweden and non-low-risk countries who have spent at least 12 hours in one of these countries in the last 14 days have an obligation to submit a negative PCR test result to their employer.

These employees have to be tested in the Czech Republic and the test result must not be older than 4 days. If they do not do so, the employer is obliged to prevent them from entering a workplace.

Obligation to announce an arrival in the Czech Republic by phone or other remote access to the Regional Hygienic Station competent according to the place of residence or declared stay have all persons who have stayed for more than 12 hours in the last 14 days in the territory of countries, which are not on the low-risk list of countries of COVID-19. All these persons have to immediately undergo an RT-PCR test for the presence of SARS CoV-2 at their own expense.

You can find a list of countries with a low risk of COVID-19 in the current Communication of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic.

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