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  • CS

Human Resources Management Office

Discussion: how to use flexible working in a university environment

4. 11. 2024

We warmly invite the management team of MENDELU to participate in a round table where we will discuss whether and how work flexibility can help improve the work environment, increase productivity, and support the balance between employees' work and personal lives. The discussion will be held in Czech.

The main topics of discussion will include remote work, part-time employment, and flexible working hours. We will explore the challenges that flexible work arrangements bring and how flexibility can be balanced with organizational needs.Our guest speaker will be Blanka Plasová, an assistant professor at the Department of Social Policy and Social Work at FSS MUNI. She specializes in labor market issues, work-family balance policies, and flexible work arrangements. She will present findings from a study focused on the development and current challenges of flexible work arrangements in the post-pandemic period, with an emphasis on the situation in the Czech Republic. Based on 89 interviews with HR specialists and line managers from 49 organizations across various sectors, she will shed light on key factors that influence management's attitudes towards flexible work and highlight the main opportunities and challenges organizations face in adapting to these changes.Martina Nečasová, Head of HRMO, will also participate in the discussion, placing the topic within the framework of the labor code and MENDELU’s internal guidelines.

When: on Wednesday 20 November 2024 from 15:00 to 17:00

Where: MENDELU, Design Lab - 1st floor

Language: Czech

Please register for the event. We look forward to your participation and involvement in this important debate.