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  • CS

Human Resources Management Office

About us

The Human Resources Management Office is part of the University Rectorate and falls under the authority of the Bursar Ing. Jiří Ševčík. It is methodically led by the Vice-rector for human resources and internal affairs doc. Ing. Lea Kubíčková. The head of the department is Mgr. Martina Nečasová.

We provide administrative, organisational, consulting and methodological activities in the area of personnel administration and human resources management. Our aim is to create a positive work environment and working conditions that are conducive to increasing the intellectual capital.


HR Development Department

We are a department that was established in connection with the need to implement a university-wide human resources development strategy. One of the reasons for its creation was the fact that we received the HR Excellence in Research Award, which the European Commission awards to research institutions implementing "HR Strategy for Researchers" (HRS4R). Our aim is to bring the university as close as possible to The European standards expressed in the European Charter for Researchers and The Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers and to provide the most pleasant and stimulating work environment for all employees. 

OrganigramProfessional activities:

  • Creation and implementation of a university-wide human resources development strategy
  • Creation of an institutional framework for the management and career development of human resources in accordance with the principles of The European Charter for Researchers
  • Administration related to the European Commission’s HR Excellence In Research Award
  • Implementation of the Gender Equality Plan
  • Coordination of Safe MENDELU
  • Effective adjustment of university HR processes
  • Recruitment and selection of employees in accordance with the Open, transparent and merit based recruitment policy
  • Administration connected with staff training and development
  • Employee benefits administration (MultiSport, meal vouchers, special offer of products and tickets)
  • HRMO web site management, Newsletter HR
  • Support for reconciling work and personal life


Personnel Department

We look after the employees of four faculties, the Institute of Lifelong Learning and all Rectorate and University-wide departments. We work with all parts of the university in applying labour and social legislation. We negotiate with Trade Union representatives and perform tasks arising from collective agreements in the areas of personnel and social legislation. We fulfil the requirements of the Czech Social Security Administration, health insurers, tax authorities and job centres.

Our professional activities:

  • Concluding employment contracts
  • Agreements on amendments to employment contracts
  • Terminating employment
  • Work contract records
  • Personnel file management
  • Personnel information system
  • Personal consultations with employees and expert advice for management personnel
  • Administration of hiring people with disabilities
  • Administration of occupational health services
  • Administration of employee benefits (contribution to supplementary pension or life insurance)
  • Employment of foreigners
  • Statistics and analyses in personnel and social matters