What to look out for when terminating employment? To ensure your departure goes smoothly and without complications, please pay attention to the following steps:
- Work with your supervisor to create a handover plan. Document the current status of your projects and tasks. If possible, complete any ongoing tasks or ensure their seamless transition. We recommend using a Handover Record.
- Update and organize all important documents and work files. Make sure they are easily accessible to your successor.
- Deactivate or transfer all access credentials to systems, emails, software, and other resources.
- Prepare a list of all employer's property you have at your disposal (laptop, mobile phone, keys, parking card, etc.). Return all items to the relevant persons responsible for the property by the agreed date.
- Before your employment ends, you must complete an Clearance Certificate. Relevant departments and your supervisor will confirm that all obligations towards the employer have been settled. If there are any outstanding matters, arrange their resolution in an annex to the Clearance Certificate. Submit the completed Clerance Certificate form along with your employee ID card (ITIC, ALIVE) to your HR representative no later than the last day of your employment.
- Arrange with your supervisor/manager for a schedule for taking the remainder of your leave.
- You can ask your supervisor for references or recommendations.
- Confirm that the university has your up-to-date contact details for any future communication (e.g., for sending your Pension Insurance Record or Taxable Income Statement).
- Upon termination, you will receive an Employment Record (Confirmation of Employment) from the Payroll Department, which you can pick up in person. If not collected, it will be mailed to you along with the Pension Insurance Record during the following month. The Payroll Department will send the Taxable Income Statement in January of the year after your employment ends, to the address listed in your personal records. If your address changes, please inform the Payroll Department or the Human Resources Management Office in advance.
Thank you for your work, and we wish you great success in your future career!