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  • CS

Human Resources Management Office


What is the correct procedure for termination of employment and what to remember?

The employment relationship may be terminated by agreement, termination of employment, immediate termination or termination during the probationary period. If the employment relationship has been agreed for a fixed term, it ends automatically on the expiry of the agreed period. In any case, this gives rise to legal rights and obligations for both parties.

If you need to terminate the employment of your subordinate, please fill out the Request by a manager for supporting documents to terminate the employment of a subordinate employee and contact the relevant HR officer. If an employee’s contract is set to expire, it is necessary to discuss this with them well in advance—at least three months prior, in accordance with the collective agreement. Use the Discussion of the Termination of Fixed-Term Employment form for this process.

Employment termination is regulated by the Labour Code and the Employment Code.


When terminating the employment of a subordinate employee, it is important to ensure a smooth handover of work and completion of all administrative formalities:

  • Work Handover Plan

The departing employee must provide an overview of unfinished tasks and inform you about the current work status by their last working day. Together, create a handover plan to ensure a smooth workflow. We recommend using a Handover Record.

  • Using Remaining Vacation

Agree on a schedule for using any remaining vacation days. It is common practice to require employees to take their vacation before their departure. However, this must comply with the Labour Code, meaning written notice from the employer at least 14 days in advance, unless both parties agree otherwise. If vacation cannot be taken, the unused portion may be paid out after termination.

  • File & Data Handover

The employee’s final working day should also be the last day they have access to university data. Ensure that all files stored in emails, applications, drafts, source files, and physical documents are properly handed over.

  • Access Credentials & Permissions

Verify that all system, software, and application access credentials have been transferred or deactivated and that e-mail forwarding is set up if needed.

  • University Property & Financial Obligations

The employee must return all university property (e.g., laptop, phone, employee card) and settle any financial obligations. Confirm that all items have been returned and that outstanding debts have been cleared.

  • Clearance Certificate

Before termination, the employee receives an Clearance Certificate from HR. This must be confirmed by all relevant departments, including you as the supervisor. The document ensures that all obligations towards the employer have been settled. If not, arrange for settlement details in an attachment to the form.

  • Submission of Documents to the HR officer

The employee must submit the Clearance Certificate and their employee card (ITIC, ALIVE) to the HR officer no later than their last working day. Edenred and MultiSport cards should be kept in case of a return to the university.

  • Employment Confirmation Documents

Upon termination, the Payroll Department issues an Employment Record (Confirmation of Employment). The departing employee will later receive their Pension Insurance Record and Taxable Income Statement from this department.

  • Employment Reference

The employer provides a reference letter only upon request, which must be fulfilled within 15 days of the request submission. The reference can be issued no earlier than two months before employment ends.


Last but not least, don't forget:

  • Inform other employees about the change in the position (new hire, temporary replacement, reassignment of responsibilities...).
  • Update the information on the workplace website (contacts, agendas).
  • Inform external persons if the employee was the contact person for a certain agenda.
  • Inform students if relevant.