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  • CS

Human Resources Management Office

Training and education

Development at the Institute of Lifelong Learning

Training and the education of the university’s employees are provided chiefly by the Institute of Lifelong Learning, which has created a concept for the education and development of academic workers, scientists and researchers and concept of education and development of technical and economic staff. Choose from their new selection of development activities. Training is available for employees in all professions.

The MENDELU ILL also offers a variety of courses (in Czech language) run by the Counselling Centre, which are provided free of charge for MENDELU employees.


Webinars, seminars, courses and training

LibraryMembers of staff can also study online via SEDUO.CZ (in Czech/Slovak language), which offers a wealth of video courses teaching soft, digital, language and other skills. You can decide whether you will give your people a free hand to study or guide their training and education. In such a case, you can agree on a curriculum (a list of mutually agreed-upon courses and a study schedule) with each person and ensure it is followed. The licence to access SEDUO is paid from the budget of the respective unit/workplace.

Lectures and webinars (in Czech language) on topics such as citations, plagiarism and advanced searching for scientific publications in databases are offered by the Department of Scientific and Pedagogical Information and Services.

You can find more options on training, courses and seminars on the MENDELU Courses portal.

OSH and FP training is provided by the Occupational Safety and Health and Fire Protection Office (the Operations Department).


Foreign Experience and Ph.D. School 

International mobilities are also very important for the development of academic workers, scientists and researchers. Information on what steps need to be taken when a member of staff wishes to travel abroad is provided by the International Relations Office..

The Ph.D. School is available to doctoral students. 


Other useful links:

Recruitment and Selection of Employees at Mendel University in Brno e-learning course 

Czech for Foreigners