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  • CS

Human Resources Management Office


Hrášek University Kindergarten

You have the opportunity to place a child in the Hrášek University Kindergarten, which is located in a pleasant environment with its own garden in the northeastern part of Brno. You will find the kindergarten on the ground floor of the newly renovated J. A. Komenského dormitories on Kohoutova Street. Hrášek is primarily intended for children of MENDELU employees and students. Children from the age of 3 (possibly children who reach the age of 3 in a given school year) are admitted to the school until they start compulsory schooling.

Hrášek is a modern kindergarten, where children can also develop in a movement dance circle, English language class, Lesáček or speech therapy. Tuition is 4 000 CZK/month. You can find more information about children's activities on Facebook.


Day camps

There are summer day camps for children of our employees, which are held directly on the Brno University campus. The camps are organised by the Lužánky Leisure Centre. The programme is aligned with the focus of the university and involves university researchers who introduce the children to the magic of their work. 

The camps are for Czech-speaking children. 

The University Forest Enterprise in Křtiny also offers day camps. They are held in the Doubravka Forest Pedagogy Campus and in the forests of the Hady site. The capacity of the camp is full.


Unpaid leave

Unless serious operational reasons prevent it, the University is obligated under the Collective Agreement to grant unpaid leave to an employee who requests it in writing:

a) after the end of parental leave, up to a maximum of 4 years of age of the child;

b) for the care of children up to 15 years of age during school holidays (in the case of a single employee, also outside school holidays).