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  • CS

Human Resources Management Office

Agreement performed besides the employee relationship

Changes related to the amendment to the Labour Code

In October 2023, an amendment to the Labour Code came into force, bringing changes to agreements on work performed besides the employment relationship. The employer must now determine the working time schedule in writing in the case of an agreement for the performance of work and an agreement for the performance of work, and must inform the employee of the schedule or any changes to it at least 3 days before the start of the shift or period for which the work is scheduled, unless they agree on a different period of information (e.g. a shorter period). Contractual workers are obliged to keep a record of the time worked. The rules for the allocation of working time and compulsory rest periods are the same as for employees.

The provisions governing any obstacles to work also apply contractual workers. Thus, employees are legally entitled to all work-related obstacles (although some will continue to be "unpaid"). People working on agreements must also now be granted additional wage supplements or compensatory time off, or compensation for the agreed remuneration, for working on public holidays, extra pay for night work, for working in difficult working environments and for working on Saturdays and Sundays.

Another new feature that came into effect in January 2024 is that contractual workers working on an agreement may be entitled to holiday pay. The general leave legislation in Sections 211 to 223 of the Labour Code, which regulates the right to leave for employees in an employment relationship, will now also apply to agreements for workers outside the employment relationship. Contractual workers will be entitled to leave if they meet the specified conditions.


Forms for agreements besides the employment relationship

When concluding a contract of employment, the employer is obliged to inform the employee of the rights and obligations arising from the legal relationship (see form below).

Information on rights and obligations arising from the legal relationship
Working time layout

Agreement to complete a job forms

Agreement to complete a job

Agreement to complete a job - home office

Project agreement to complete a job

Project agreement to complete a job - home office

Agreement to perform work forms

Agreement to perform work

Agreement to perform work - home office

Project agreement to perform work

Project agreement to perform work - home office

Change of employment agreement forms

General agreement on amendement

Project agreement on amendement


More detailed information, materials

Video of the training (in Czech only)

Presentation (in Czech only)

Wage supplements