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  • CS

Human Resources Management Office

Employee surveys

One of the tools for the implementation of the human resources management strategy in the academic environment are employee surveys.

The first extensive survey took place at Mendel University in 2018 and its purpose was to identify the gaps in our human resources management. It became one of the key documents for preparing the action plan for 2018–2020. EMPLOYEE´S SATISFACTION SURVEY 2018

After two years of the action plan, we carried out another university-wide survey, this time focusing on getting feedback from employees and gathering suggestions for an action plan for the next three-year period. The questionnaire also served as an overview of the measures and activities which we have been able to carry out in the HR field so far. EMPLOYEE FEEDBACK SURVEY 2020

In June 2021, a survey reflecting the demands brought on by the pandemic was conducted among our employees. The survey’s objective was to identify any obstacles and suggest activities and measures that could help employees with their working lives. SURVEY INTO THE IMPACT OF THE PANDEMIC ON WORKING LIFE 2021

In the autumn of 2021, in cooperation with NORA Gender Information Center, we conducted a university-wide equal opportunities audit. The audit served primarily to create the university's Gender Equality Plan. EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES AUDIT 2021

The Employee Satisfaction Survey 2023 was carried out in the context of the University moving into the next phase of implementing the HR Strategy for Researchers in line with the European Charter for Researchers and also renewal of the HR Excellence in Research Award. EMPLOYEE´S SATISFACTION SURVEY 2023