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  • CS

Human Resources Management Office



Address: Zemědělská 1, 613 00 Brno, the seccond floor of building A 


Mgr. Martina Nečasová

in charge of the HRMO, lawyer

 office no. N2054a
 +420 545 135 106, +420 770 124 657

Eliška Buchlovská, DiS.

Professional Administrative Officer, agenda of agreements outside the employment relationship

 office no. N2054b
 +420 545 135 148, +420 702 045 479


Jana Zouharová

Head of the department, Personnel Officer for FFWT (412, 413, 421 - 423, 426 - 443, 473 - 491) and ILL

 office no. N2055
 +420 545 135 007, +420 770 124 362

Mgr. Martina Štěpánová

Personnel Officer for Rectorate, university departments and FFWT (424, 471)

 office no. N2056
 +420 545 135 110, +420 778 707 305

Bc. Karolína Doncová

Personnel Officer for FBE and FRDIS

Support for foreign employees

 office no. N2057
 +420 545 135 293, +420 771 272 465

Ivana Rafajová

Personnel Officer for FA

 office no. N2058
 +420 545 135 108, +420 770 124 633

For Employees of Faculty of Horticulture

Ing. Miroslava Viktorinová

Personnel Officer

 Dean's Office FH, Valtická 337, Lednice
 +420 519 367 208


Contact for Candidates:

Mgr. Renata Denková

Head of the Department, Coordinator for balancing work and family life

 office no. N2059b
 +420 545 135 105, +420 773 741 158

Ing. Tereza Ondráčková

Personnel Specialist

 office no. N2059b
 +420 545 135 105, +420 770 153 601

Kateřina Haladejová

Personnel Specialist, Recruiter

 office no. N2059a
 +420 545 133 076, +420 773 750 269