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  • CS

Human Resources Management Office

Competency models

What is a competency model?

A competency model describes all prerequisites that can be used to describe a job position.

It is a collection of qualifications, experience, knowledge, abilities, skills and personal characteristics that are necessary to perform tasks effectively and be generally successful in a particular job position.

Why should we adopt competency models?

We can see the biggest benefits of competency models when defining job positions, filling vacancies, identifying development needs, and the determining evaluations and remuneration for individual employees.

What do competency models contain?

When creating competency models, we use information from the National Register of Occupations, or more precisely the Central Database of Competences, which can be found on the website of the National Register of Occupations.

The competency models of job positions listed in the catalogue include the following items:

  • Job characteristics
  • Qualifications
  • A description of work activities
  • Required skills and knowledge: general, professional and soft skills (personal characteristics)

The Catalogue of Competency Models for non-academic job positions

The Catalogue of Competency Models for R1-R4 job positions (academic and research positions)