Each employee is obliged to undergo a medical examination at the medical doctor before the commencement of work and then on regular basis. In each case you get the invitation from your Personnel Officer/ Officer for foreign employees.
Types of medical examinations:
- Initial (obligatory, must be taken before starting employment)
- Periodical (obligatory, take place at intervals specified by law)
- Exceptional, Exit, Subsequent (for special cases only)
Employees in Category I may be examined either by their registering doctor or by a MENDELU contract doctor. Employees in Categories II, III and IV and professional drivers may be examined only by a MENDELU contract doctor. It is necessary to make an appointment for a medical examination by a MENDELU contract doctor in advance. In the case you need an assistance our Welcome Office is here to help you.
This issue is regulated by the measure of the Bursar Provádění periodických pracovnělékařských prohlídek pro práce zařazené do kategorie 1 a 2 (1. změna, znění účinné od 15. 11. 2023) (only in Czech language).
Contractual medical doctors:
Vojenská nemocnice Brno, Zábrdovická 3/3, 615 00 Brno - Židenice - Zábrdovice, you can make an appointment by phone +420 973 445 603 and e-mail pls@vnbrno.cz, map
MUDr. Luboš Oliva , Pekařská 75, 691 44 Lednice
DRPOS s.r.o., Zahradní 973, 763 02 Zlín, MUDr. Zbyněk Pospíšil
The contact person for communication with contracted facilities is Bc. Karolína Doncová.