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  • CS

Human Resources Management Office

Do you know what to do?

24. 4. 2023

New video called "Do you know what to do?" was filmed as part of the Safe MENDELU concept and calls attention to bullying and sexual harassment.

Mendel University in Brno considers a safe learning and working environment one of its key priorities. We do not tolerate sexual harassment, as well as bullying or other inappropriate behaviour on campus and are committed to a healthy and fair environment.

The #safemendelu website provides a summary of measures to prevent and address inappropriate behavior on campus. The site will help students and employees identify bullying or sexual harassment. You will also find guidance on how to address the situation, as well as who to contact in the case of a problem. Among other things, you can learn what to look out for so that your actions are not perceived as bullying or harassment by the other party.

We are currently planning a university-wide awareness campaign. Last but not least we are preparing for you a recording of the interview of the Vice-Rector for Human Resources and Internal Affairs Lea Kubíčková with Michaela Švejdová, an expert on a dignified workplace, prevention and elimination of bullying. You will learn more about the types of bullying, its manifestations and consequences, as well as possible solutions.

Video "Do you know what to do?"