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Department of Human Resources Management

Employer contribution newly for LTIP and long-term care insurance

18. 6. 2024

The contribution of CZK 500 that MENDELU provides to its employees for insurance products or retirement savings can also be used for long-term investment products (LTIP) and long-term care insurance. This benefit is regulated by the revised Rector's Methodological Instruction 3/2024, which will be effective from 22 June 2024.

All employees employed at MENDELU after 3 years of continuous employment who work at least part-time and whose own contribution is at least CZK 100 can apply for a contribution to selected retirement savings and long-term care insurance products. Application for the allowance should be made to the relevant HR officer using this form.

The employer contributes only to one selected product. For those who are already receiving the employer's contribution, nothing changes.

You can also apply for a retroactive allowance for newly included products, i.e. long-term investment product (LTIP) or long-term care insurance, but only for the period 2024. The application for retroactive allowance can be submitted no later than 31 July 2024 to the relevant HR officer, the form can be filled in on the spot.

More information about the contribution at MENDELU