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  • CS

Human Resources Management Office

MENDELU has issued a new Gender Equality Plan

3. 2. 2025

The Gender Equality Plan is a key tool for ensuring equal opportunities and fostering an inclusive culture at the university. This is the second plan of its kind, aimed at integrating gender equality principles into all university activities and decision-making processes—from educational and creative activities to organizational structure and workplace culture. The new plan has been issued for the period 2025–2028. Get acquainted with its goals and measures.

The plan was developed based on a gender re-audit and also reflects the mandatory requirements defined by the European Commission for participation in the Horizon Europe program. Promoting gender equality helps the university minimize talent loss, support career growth regardless of gender, enhance its attractiveness to both current and prospective employees, and meet European standards. The university needs a Gender Equality Plan not only to achieve a fair working environment but also to comply with grant scheme requirements, such as Horizon Europe or the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, where it is a mandatory criterion.