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  • CS

Human Resources Management Office

Hrášek celebrated his 10th birthday

9. 2. 2023

On Monday, 30 January 2023, the celebration of 10 years of operation of the two-class university kindergarten Hrášek took place.

The project of the university kindergarten was funded by the project Family and Work: PROČ NE? (Why not?) in the area of support for equal opportunities for women and men on the labour market and reconciliation of work and family life. Placing a child in the nursery enables MENDELU employees to return from parental leave to the labour market with the aim of preventing gender discrimination.

As of 4 February 2013, 352 children have passed through the nursery. Over the time of its operation, Hrášek has built a reputation as a modern kindergarten of the 21st century with a profile on healthy lifestyle, environmental education and IT skills development.