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Human Resources Management Office

Invitation to the webinar "Gender Dimension in Teaching and Education Content"

3. 2. 2025

Expand your pedagogical horizons and gain new insights for your teaching. We invite academic staff of MENDELU to a short webinar, "The Gender Dimension in Teaching Content and Education", or "Don't Call Me Rozárka, Don't Send Me to Social Services, and Tell Me Whether a Given Theory or Practice Also Applies to Women."

Why Are We Organizing This Webinar?

At MENDELU, approximately 5,000 women and 4,000 men are studying. Does the education of women differ from that of men? Should it? What does "equal education" actually mean? Are we unintentionally reinforcing stereotypes? Are we overlooking obstacles?

We have a significant influence on the future career opportunities of our students—not just through the knowledge we impart but also through our behavior, the educational content we choose, and how we present it.

What Will the Webinar Cover?

✅ A clear explanation of the gender perspective in education
✅ Practical examples of how to incorporate the gender dimension in teaching
✅ A space for questions and open discussion

When? Tuesday, 4 March 2025, from 10:00–11:30 AM (potentially extending until 12:00 PM for live discussion)
Where? Online (a link will be sent to registered participants)
Lecturer: Mgr. et Mgr. Gabriela Langhammerová, Ph.D., NKC Gender & Science / Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences
Language: Czech

Register here.