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Department of Human Resources Management

MENDELU Back-to-Work Grant 2023

31. 3. 2023

The Grant Agency of Gregor Johann Mendel of Mendel University in Brno (internal research projects category C) announces another call for proposals. You can apply until 30 May 2023 at 10:00.

The grant support is aimed at mothers and fathers on maternity/parental leave with children up to 6 years of age who are engaged in research and need to cover the increased costs of childcare during the period of preparation for a significant scientific result, e.g. preparing a grant, working on a scientific publication, completing a doctoral study or habilitation, etc.

The Back-to-Work grant is intended for highly motivated MENDELU researchers and academics who are or have been on maternity or parental leave and are caring for a child under the age of six (one or more children) while working more than half-time. If the employee has not taken maternity leave, but only parental leave, the duration of parental leave is also a requirement for at least one year.

The main aim of the Back-to-Work Grant is to enable the scientist to return from maternity/parental leave to a full scientific career at the University, to support his/her further development and to achieve outstanding scientific results in the long term. The winner can receive a maximum of CZK 200,000 for one year.

The Grant Agency of Gregor Johann Mendel of Mendel University in Brno

Announcement GAGJM 2023

Tender Documentation for Internal Research Projects of Category C - Return