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Department of Human Resources Management

MENDELU Back-to-Work grant 2024

20. 5. 2024

Grant Agency of Gregor Johan Mendel of Mendel University in Brno (internal research projects category C) announces another call for proposals. You can apply until Monday 8 July 2024 at 10:00.

The main objective of the grant support in category C - Back-to-Work Projects is to enable scientists to return to a full scientific career at the University, to support his/her further development and to achieve outstanding scientific results in the long term. One of the conditions for a successful scientific career is the harmonisation of work and family life, especially during the period of caring for a child or children under the age of 6 (or until the start of compulsory schooling).

The winner may receive support of up to CZK 200,000 for one year.The support for the successful applicant includes the assignment of an individual talent manager under the care of the Human Resources Management Department, who will provide the researcher with support in the area of professional and personal development.

Find out how to apply during an online seminar to be held on Monday 27 May 2024 at 10am via MS TEAMS. You can register for the seminar via (in Czech language).

Grant Agency of Gregor Johan Mendel of Mendel University in Brno

Announcement of GAGJM 2024

The application methodological instruction is available on the document server