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  • CS

Human Resources Management Office

MultiSport Virtual Card for March free of charge

5. 2. 2024

All employees who do not use the MultiSport employee card can use the virtual test card for free in March. If you already have a MultiSport card, you can order a free virtual companion card for yours.

If you are interested in a test card valid from 1 March to 31 March 2024, order it by 20 February at the link HERE. You will then receive an email with instructions on how to activate your virtual card by the end of March. You can continue to use the card from April for 940 CZK/month.

In case you already use the employee card, you can order one companion card. Please indicate the name, surname and e-mail of the accompanying person in the form. It will not be possible to order the card without an e-mail address.

MultiSport program at MENDELU

More information about the campaign