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  • CS

Human Resources Management Office

New: Electronic application for annual tax settlement

20. 1. 2025

This year, the development teams from SAP and UIS are introducing another useful update that will benefit employees requesting their annual tax settlement through their employer.

A new electronic application for the tax return is now available in the UIS Employee Portal. This allows you to submit your request conveniently and electronically, without the need to contact the Wage Department of the Economic Department. In the application, you can select only one option: either request a Confirmation of Income or choose a Request for Annual Tax Settlement. This choice cannot be changed later. By clicking the button I want to fill out the form, you select the option Request for Annual Tax Settlement.

If you plan to file your tax return yourself, download the Confirmation of Income, which can be opened using the PIN for your payslips. If you do not know your PIN, please contact the relevant payroll accountant.

How to do it?

The application includes help, which can be found under the ? icon in the top-right corner.

Don’t forget!

You must upload all the documents that prove your entitlement to tax credits (for example, confirmation of mortgage interest paid, pension contributions or life insurance) to the app. Without uploading the necessary documents, the claim cannot be completed.

For 2024 returns, the application will be available until 15 February 2025.

We wish you a smooth and convenient use of the new app!

Further information on the annual tax return