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  • CS

Human Resources Management Office

Training package: What is Gender Based Violence?

19. 2. 2025

Gain an overview of workplace harassment, discrimination, gender stereotypes, and sexism through these educational videos. After watching them, you will be able to recognize different forms of gender-based violence in the workplace and understand how to respond—whether you experience it yourself or witness it happening to someone else. 

What to expect?

  • 10 short videos – Each covers a unique topic, complementing one another to provide a comprehensive perspective.
  • A set of questionnaires – Includes an introductory questionnaire, 10 verification questionnaires, and a final evaluation questionnaire.


How Does the Training Work?

  • Watch the video, then answer the questions and record your responses.
  • After submitting the questionnaire, you will immediately see the correct answers, helping you identify what you got right and where you made mistakes (filling out the questionnaires is voluntary).


What Will You Gain?

  • The ability to recognize different forms of gender-based violence in the workplace.
  • Knowledge of how to respond appropriately—whether as a witness or as someone directly affected.


The training material was created in cooperation with the non-profit organization Genderové informační centrum NORA, o.p.s., the J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry and Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem as part of the project "Prevention of gender-based violence in the working environment of public research institutions and universities in the Czech Republic." The project was funded by the Norwegian Grants.