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  • CS

Human Resources Management Office

Alive/ITIC card


The ITIC (International Teacher Identity Card) is the only internationally recognized proof for teachers. It is valid in 127 countries. The ITIC card can be issued for pedagogical or academic staff who have an agreed employment relationship for at leas 12 months. The amount of work is not decisive.

We issue the ITIC card free of charge to all pedagogical staff upon joining MENDELU in HRMO.


In addition to the university, the card holders have the opportunity to use:

- discounts at more than 130,000 points of sale worldwide

- discounts at more than 1,800 points of sale in the Czech Republic

- exclusive ISIC travel insurance

- shopping, dining and training

- admission to festivals, events, clubs

- season tickets in ski resorts

- traveling - bus and train tickets

- entrance tickets at world famous cultural and historical monuments

- accommodation in hotels, camps and hostels

The ITIC is valid for a maximum of 16 months, from September 1st of one year to the end of December of the following year. This validity remains constant regardless of the date of issuance. The validity of this card can be extended annually by purchasing a revalidation stamp.

The current list of discounts and benefits associated with the ITIC card in the Czech Republic and abroad are available at



ALIVE EMPLOYEE CARD is an identification card that is intended for all non-teaching staff of the university. The card is valid throughout the Czech Republic and you can get discounts on it at more than 1,600 places. Any employee who is not entitled to an ITIC card can apply for an ALIVE EMPLOYEE CARD.Any employee who is not entitled to an ITIC card can apply for an ALIVE EMPLOYEE CARD.

To obtain it, it is necessary to contact your Personnel Officer and fill in Application for employee card form. Replacing a classic employee card with an ALIVE EMPLOYEE CARD is charged an amount CZK 250. 


In addition to the university, the card holders have the opportunity to use:

Shopping- discounts throughout the Czech Republic

- discounts at more than 1,600 points of sale in the Czech Republic

- exclusive ISIC travel insurance

- shopping, dining and training

- admission to festivals, events, clubs

- season tickets in ski resorts

- traveling - bus and train tickets

- accommodation in hotels, camps and hostels


Extension of the validity of licenses

The ITIC is valid for a maximum of 16 months, from September 1st of one year to the end of December of the following year. This validity remains constant regardless of the date of issuance. The validity of this card can be extended annually by purchasing a revalidation stamp, which you can buy from your Personnel Officer.

The current list of discounts and benefits associated with the ITIC card in the Czech Republic and abroad are available at


The lifespan of all cards is 6 years from the date of issue, after which the employee has the right to request a replacement at the expense of the employer.

In the case of loss or theft of the card, contact your Personnel Officer immediately.

Information on the processing of personal data for card users at MENDELU