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  • CS

Human Resources Management Office

Equal opportunities audit 2021

From 1 July to 31 October 2021, an equal opportunities audit was conducted at the University by the external company NORA Gender Information Centre according to the Gender Audit Standard.

Time schedule:

1 July - 18 July 2021 content analysis of documents and data

1 July - 18 August 2021 the preparation of a questionnaire

19 August - 15 September 2021 distribution of the questionnaire (651 employees filled in the questionnaire, of which 58% were women and 42% were men)

16 September - 6 October 2021 processing the results of the questionnaire

19 August - 6 October 2021 conducting the qualitative part of the survey (27 individual interviews, 5 focus groups)

7 October - 31 October 2021 preparation of a final report with recommendations and a draft action plan



Focus groups were created for the following categories of employees:

1. heads of institutes,

2. technical and economic staff,

3. employees with children,

4. foreign employees,

5. working students in a doctoral degree programme.

Individual interviews were conducted with University management, a trade union organisation representative, the Head of the Human Resource Management Office, and employees who applied through the questionnaire.


The audit covered the following areas:

1. The organisation's objectives and institutional arrangements for gender equality policy

2. Personnel policy

3. Pay policy

4. Reconciliation of personal and professional life

5. Organisation culture and workplace relations


The conclusions of the audit were taken into account in the Gender Equality Plan of Mendel University in Brno for the period 2022 and 2024.