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Human Resources Management Office

Living in Lednice


Lednice is part of the Lednice-Valtice Complex, which is located near the Austrian border, just over 50km south of Brno. This unique natural-architectural complex, which is registered on the UNESCO List of World Heritage Sites, consists of the chateaux of Lednice and Valtice. In addition to them, the complex also features large parks, a set of artificial lakes and several historical buildings located in the midst of nature (hunting lodges, chapels and temples).


Cultural life

Summer in Lednice is full of concerts and offers a wide range of cultural events. Various festivals and theatre productions take place here. During the year, you can visit traditional celebrations and markets.


Paradise for cyclists

The Lednice-Valtice Complex, along with the adjacent Pálava nature reserve, is a popular tourist destination. It is a predominantly flat region suitable for easy walks and cycling trips. The cycle paths – the so-called Lichtenštejn trails – are of high-quality and they are suitable for family trips with children.



Lednice is located in a wine region with a long tradition. In the local Annovino winery, you will have the opportunity to taste unrivalled wine from Mendel University’s vineyards.


Spas and wellness activities

In Lednice, you can enjoy the spas and their unique atmosphere. You can take a walk along the colonnade or enjoy a spa treatment.


More information: Take a look into Lednice