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  • CS

Human Resources Management Office

Our mission

The mission of Mendel University in Brno is to be an open university that offers education which reflects the needs of the 21st century and contributes to the general development of creative activities that are relevant for society, and also to be a dynamic multicultural institution with an impact on the development of the society as a whole. 

Our vision

Mendel University in Brno aspires to be an institution of renown at both the national and international level by providing a unique combination of educational, creative and professionally focused activities. This balanced combination together with the wide range of options for practical education will help us shape high-quality graduates suitable for a variety of roles.

In the field of education, the university aims to:

  • equip each student with comprehensive general knowledge, skills and competence, including the ability to think critically, i.e. with a high-quality education;
  • Lectureoffer relevant education reflecting the needs of the 21st century;
  • be open in relation to the internal and external environment.

In the field of creative activities, the university aims to:

  • contribute to the general expansion of knowledge relevant for society;
  • cooperate with all relevant partners;
  • contribute to the two-way transfer of knowledge between the academic and application spheres.

In its third role, the university aims to:

  • be a multicultural environment where new values can be created;
  • be a dynamic institution that helps to form the wider social development both within the Czech Republic and in the world as a whole.

Equal treatment, principle of equal opportunities

Equal treatment of everyone is a firm principle at MENDELU. Everyone has the same opportunity for further professional growth, regardless of their race, ethnic origin, nationality, ideology, religion, belief, worldview, age, gender, sexual orientation, physical disability, social background or property. Each of us has the same starting position as everyone else and the future depends on each of us alone. At MENDELU, we respect and abide by the rules, both the general ones that accompanying us throughout our daily lives, such as the rules of decency, and also the standards stipulated by the MENDELU Code of Ethics.