HR Award is the abbreviated name for the Human Resources Excellence in Research Award. It is a recognition granted by the European Commission to institutions operating in the field of science and research for adhering to the European Charter for Researchers (the Charter) when employing research staff. A prerequisite for receiving the award, in addition to committing to the Charter, is the implementation of a Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R). Each institution develops this strategy in the form of a tailored action plan. The European Commission regularly evaluates the implementation of the strategy.
The European market and research area have long struggled to maintain competitiveness against the USA and Asian countries. To support research and innovation, the European Commission has created a set of principles known as the European Charter for Researchers (the Charter). These principles are intended to guide European research institutions in developing their strategies for working with employees and Ph.D. students. Institutions should create working conditions that enable their staff to achieve top scientific results while ensuring a positive work environment. At the same time, mobility is encouraged as a means of excellence, making it essential to ensure comparable working conditions across research institutions in Europe.
The university is required to implement a Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) to achieve compliance with the 40 principles outlined in the European Charter for Researchers.
In 2018, an internal GAP analysis was conducted at MENDELU to compare the university’s practices with the requirements of the Charter. Based on these findings, the first action plan was developed to implement measures aligning with the Charter’s principles. Currently, we are implementing the third action plan, which was developed following an internal evaluation in 2023.
For applicants of European grants, it is an advantage rather than a requirement. It provides funders with assurance that the funds will be used in compliance with the European Union's requirements.
Prestige, visibility, attracting international researchers, guaranteeing a work environment that meets European standards, advantages with funding providers, and collaboration with other institutions.
There is no fee for receiving the award. However, the university funds the staff working on the strategy’s implementation, whether in the Human Resources Management Office (HRMO) or within the working group, which is identical to the rector’s committee for personnel development.
During the preparation and initial implementation phase (2018 – Q1 2023), the working group and HR specialists were funded through OP VVV RKVV I and II. Currently, the employment of HRMO staff is financed from the university’s main budget and the Strategic Management Support Program.
As of 5 March 2025, 61 awards have been granted in the Czech Republic. These awards are held by public, state, and private universities, institutes of the Academy of Sciences, and other scientific-research or research funding institutions. At some universities, individual faculties hold the award. MENDELU was the first in the Czech Republic to receive this award. Here is an overview of all European award holders.
We know that the term "human resources" doesn't sound very friendly, but it is an established term in management. Human resources management is an integral part of organizational management because it sets procedures for working with the most valuable asset an organization has – its employees. Strategic human resources management establishes uniform procedures across the organization, ensures the professional execution of personnel processes, and provides support for employees at all levels of management, as well as for regular workers. This is beneficial both for the organization (saving financial resources, improving efficiency) and for individuals (ensuring equal conditions for all).
The university is becoming a modern organization that provides comparable working conditions to companies and foreign institutions. It is more professional, of higher quality, and more competitive. It supports your career development (Ph.D. school, training courses, coaching, personal plans, etc.) and ensures equal treatment. We aim to eliminate comments like: "You work at a university? It must be very outdated, right?" or "I was at a selection process at the university. It felt like I was back at my graduation exams."
Your feedback is very important to us. That’s why we regularly reach out to employees and Ph.D. students through surveys to find out how satisfied they are with working at the university. We also organize roundtable discussions where we address various topics. We provide information about events on the HR Management Office website.
The activities are coordinated by the Human Resources Management Office, which is methodically led by the Vice-Rector for Personnel Development and Internal Communication, Lea Kubíčková. In addition to the HRMO, the working group (the rector's committee for personnel development) and the steering committee are also involved in the implementation of the activities.
The defense takes place in two phases:
In February 2024, we conducted a self-assessment and proposed an action plan for the next three-year period.
On 14 April 2025, two evaluators from the European Commission will visit the university in person, and an on-site evaluation will take place with the participation of the university leadership, involved staff members, as well as representatives from various categories of employees and Ph.D. students.
Following this, the European Commission will inform whether it will grant the university the HR Award for the next period (until the end of 2026).