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  • CS

Human Resources Management Office

What is gender discrimination?

These short videos, along with self-assessment questionnaires, will show you how to recognize and avoid gender-based discrimination (violence).

Before starting the videos, you can complete an initial questionnaire, and at the end, check what knowledge you have acquired.


In the final questionnaire you can check what you have learned.

V závěrečném dotazníku si můžete ověřit, co jste se naučili.

The training material was created in cooperation with the non-profit organization Genderové informační centrum NORA, o.p.s., the J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry and Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem. The videos and questionnaires were created within the project "Prevention of gender-based violence in the working environment of public research institutions and universities in the Czech Republic." This project is financed by the Norwegian funds.