Webinar Gender Dimensions in Science and Research will be held in January
22. 12. 2022
An online workshop (in Czech language) for MENDELU employees on Gender Dimension in Research will take place on 10 January from 10:00 to 12:00.
Gain an overview of workplace harassment, discrimination, gender stereotypes, and sexism through these educational videos. After watching them, you will be able to recognize different forms of gender-based violence in the workplace and understand how to respond—whether you experience it yourself or witness it happening to someone else.
22. 12. 2022
An online workshop (in Czech language) for MENDELU employees on Gender Dimension in Research will take place on 10 January from 10:00 to 12:00.
20. 12. 2022
You will also find us in the offices of the Human Resources Management Office at the end of the year.
16. 11. 2022
You are invited to the projection of the video episode From the Life of a Female Scientist and the subsequent networking meeting (in Czech language), which will take place on 30 November at 18:15 in KUMST. The whole event will be the end of this year's main theme of Science Slam 13 "Women belong in science".
31. 10. 2022
The price of MultiSport cards will increase in January 2023. We believe that you will be satisfied with the MultiSport programme even under the new conditions. This year, among other things, it has expanded its offer to include admission to selected castles and chateaus.
31. 10. 2022
One of the university's employee benefits is SEDUO.cz e-courses. We are currently preparing the service order for 2023.
19. 9. 2022
At the Embassy of Sweden in Prague, we received a certificate for the analysis of equal pay for women and men using the Logib tool.
16. 9. 2022
In the case you lose your Edenred card, you can apply for a new one via your personal account on the Edendred portal.
8. 9. 2022
The Centre for Foreigners of the South Moravian Region (Centrum pro cizince Jihomoravského kraje) is opening new Czech language courses for foreigners.
8. 9. 2022
MENDELU is hosting a Meeting of Institutions Implementing HRS4R and Gender Equality Plans on Friday 7 October 2022.